You will never have to worry about whether or not “Ingoldsby” is going to come up on your English paper because I never fucking well will.
I think too much of my poems to allow them to be used as examination fodder.
The last place on earth I wish you to come upon them is in an exam hall. I think too much of you as well.
Poets who think in predictable and career cliches seem to believe that this form of recognition is important, the same ones who drag biographical CVs around behind them filled with awards, medals, and short – listings.
From time to time I receive letters from educational publishers seeking permission to imprison my poems in school text – books.
I write back with horror and ask the same question- “What did my beautiful poems ever do to you?!
My poems just want to dance.
If you ever come upon them, I hope you will enjoy a merry jig.
It certaiinly won’t be in an exam hall.
You’d fall and break your neck.
Pat Ingoldsby