We are delighted to announce Chris O’Rourke as our new Consulting Literary Director. He will be instrumental in selecting and developing scripts as part of our New Writing platform.
Chris is a playwright, director, drama coach and critic and holds an MA (hons) in Modern Drama. Chris was National Theatre Critic for Examiner.com until July 2016, extensively reviewing in Ireland and abroad. He currently writes for TheArtsReview.com which he began in July 2016. Chris is artistic director of Everything is Liminal and Unknown Theatre, the latter specialising in devising works with young people from high risk backgrounds, Their most recent production, If Walls Could Talk, recent played The Edinburgh Festival.
The Theatre is committed to providing a platform for new writers. In particular, we are interested in new Irish writers or writers based in Ireland and Northern Ireland, with a strong, original voice, and plays with contemporary themes.
If you are a budding playwright or you have a new script, we would love to hear from you. Please send an outline first to newwriting.thenewtheatre@gmail.com and, based on that, we will return your email with a possible request for more information.
Scripts and outlines will be accepted in PDF FORMAT BY EMAIL ONLY.
The New Theatre is interested in new voices, original ideas and engaging themes that are relevant to our time. Before you send us a script we advise you to familiarise yourself with our venue, our past productions and artistic programme to give you an idea of what we’re looking for.
On the first Saturday of each month we present a playreading of a new play and provide feedback and support to the writer.
The New Theatre selects the 6 best scripts we have received to be read at New Writing Week – our week long run of rehearsed playreadings.
If a play is particularly strong, and we feel it is ready for production, we will guide the writer and assist them with getting their plays into full production.

The New Theatre supports New Writing with the assistance of Dublin UNESCO City of Literature & The Arts Council Ireland.