On the anniversary of Operation Demetrius (1971) when 7,000+ catholic’s were driven from their home -a short article from the Artistic Director.
“Motorcycling saved me when my dad went to prison in connection with Operation Demetrius. Motorcycles offered me my freedom!”
“My wife and co-founder of this theatre business is Leanne. And together we will see out this damn Pandemic intact!”
“We were the first theatre in Ireland to run an online Festival: it was called Fightback, just as the proper lockdown took hold. We had 40,000 engagements over three weeks. This was off the scale for a New Writing 68 seat theatre.”
“We then focused on reopening in our actual live theatre.”
“Outside of COVID-19 sickness is mental health deterioration…
I’ve noticed a pattern developing across age groups… I call it fear of everything.”
“Who benefits from fear I as myself as I wind on the throttle?…After a decent spin… I walk home as if on air.”
“Mass Media are frightening people…Couldn’t they say ‘Mask up! Go out and enjoy yourselves. Ride a motorcycle, ride a bicycle, walk. Do something’.”
Motorcycling saved me when my dad went to prison in connection with Operation Demetrius. Motorcycles offered me my freedom! My sanity was a Honda 50 then a Yamaha DT100. These were followed by an oily RD 350YPVS, a weaving Honda Magna, a camoufl aged Africa Twin and now a mint Red Ducati 749.
Recently like a lot of business operators, The New Theatre is struggling through this Pandemic and we are busy fi nding ways to survive. My wife and co-founder of this theatre business is Leanne. And together we will see out this damn Pandemic intact!
We were the fi rst theatre in Ireland to run an online Festival; it was called Fightback, just as the proper lockdown took hold. We had 40,000 engagements over three weeks. This was off the scale for a New Writing 68 seat theatre. Other theatres were thinking the same way and weeks later online fatigue took hold. Now what do we do we thought?
We then focused on reopening in our actual live theatre. The HSE at the time of writing are nervously delaying the next phase. But at what cost? Outside of COVID-19 sickness is mental health deterioration. I had it until a pal of mine recommended volunteering delivering PPE equipment. He is truly a motorcycle god!
I’m extremely lucky in that I’ve my Ducati to distract me and send my pulse racing. Being out and about meeting people, always social distancing, I’ve notice a pattern developing across age groups, my own teenagers, former colleagues and in general people I meet volunteering and so on I call it fear of everything.
Who benefi ts from fear I ask myself as I wind on the throttle? Clicking through the gears, the wind blast shaking my helmet as air turbulence does its thing! After a decent spin, I lock up my Ducati safely I walk home as if on air. Not because I screamed through time but because I went out for a motorcycle spin when I needed one.
Some people don’t take the risk of motorcycles as a way to de-stress. They’re fed pills by their Doctor or Psychiatrist to alleviate anxiety. I read an article recently where a famous young actor was quoted ‘Yeah. I’m on Lexapro, and I’ll never get off of it. I’ve been on it since I was 19, so 11 years. I’m on the lowest dose. I don’t see the point of getting off of it. Whether it’s placebo or not, I don’t want to risk it”. And what are you fi ghting against? Is it just the stigma of using a tool?
There are millions of people out there being fed pills. We’re told it’s how to deal with fear of the unknown.
I’m not suggesting that psychiatrists order people to buy a motorcycle, but I’m aware that there’s only one clear winner in anxiety right now. Pharmaceutical companies. Can you imagine how many politicians are afraid to stand alone and shout stop at the moment. Can you imagine how much money Big Pharmaceuticals are making from this Pandemic through R & D? Money made through mental health medications sold either over the counter or under it.
Small business is the heartbeat of a country. In Britain, 60% of employment comes from small businesses.
Mass Media are frightening people – We are doomed. Instead of ‘Buy an adventure on two wheels’ we are told that a second wave is imminent. Couldn’t they say ‘Mask up! Go out and enjoy yourselves. Ride a motorcycle, ride a bicycle, walk. Do something.
We cannot singularly say anything that questions the direction of governments worldwide – any journalist that goes against government policy and questions the sometimes mass media hysteria is crucifi ed. I’m glad I have my bike and I’d say you are too!
WORDS Anthony Fox