Sarah needs to hear just one story to convince her love is possible.
Driven by her longing she starts walking door-to-door asking strangers to share their memories. Two months and hundreds of tales later she finally hears a story which will change her life forever – it will show her how to love.
Join Sarah as she sits by the fire with Tomas, an aged Irish poet and songwriter who regales his audience with stories of poetry, fame and the beautiful girl.
THE BEAUTIFUL GIRL is based on the real life experience of Madcap Theatre Company. In 2008 we moved to Ceathru Rua, Connemara for two months. We set about collecting love stories from the elderly, working in old age homes and visiting people in their houses. We collected hundreds of recordings detailing experiences from first loves to honeymoons to elopements. We were amazed by and were very grateful for all the stories we heard. However, one evening we spent with Tomas Mac Eoin exceeded all our expectations. He sang his award winning song An Cailin Alainn and recited his own poetry. He spoke to us with complete honesty, humor and humility – he convinced us love is possible
“This man has forgotten more ballads than most people could hope to
learn in an entire lifetime” – Gay Byrne – The Late Late Show