People are our greatest asset. It’s the greatest management cliché of all time but few companies really do walk the walk as well as talk the talk. This contradiction is nowhere more obvious than in magazine publishing. Here, everything is driven by closing sales and monstrous egos. Here, people are cheap: Shit cheap and easily replaceable. Set in the Dublin offices of Nero Caprani, Nero is a well-seasoned, hard-nosed publisher. Bilingual; he speaks English and Management Bullshit. Employees are caged in four foot cubicles amid the gentle background hum of photocopiers, phones, lies and broken dreams. In The Bell, the audience is given a darkly comical yet accurate insight into the gritty end of publishing and into the mind of an office worker, browbeaten and bullied to his mental limits. How far can someone be pushed before they crack? The Bell provides one possible answer.
Cast and Creatives
Yvonne Ussher
Padraig Murray
Cast (Nero)
Neill Fleming
Cast (Jack)
Noel Aungier
Cast (Mervyn)
Klara McDonnell
Cast (Martha)
Elaine Reddy
Cast (Mary)
Danny Kehoe
Cast (Gerry)
Patrick Murphy