In the world premiere of this black comedy, a young documentary film maker, forced to take a part time job in a Dublin research company, soon discovers that the business has come up with a unique and dangerous solution to help ride out the recession.
Funny, dark and unsettling, “Tracer” is a timely reminder of how far some people are willing to go in order to survive.
From the team that brought you last year’s Stewart Parker nominated play “Revenant.”
Written by Stewart Roche
Directed by Jeda De Bri
Produced by Anthony Fox
About the author:
Stewart Roche is the Artistic Director of PurpleHeart. His first original play “Revenant” had its world premiere at The New Theatre in November 2013. It was nominated for the 2014 Stewart Parker Award and is currently on tour. His latest play “Variance” has recently finished a two week run at Theatre Upstairs and was produced by Timador productions.
L: Patrick O’Donnell & Ranae Von Meding.
R: Michael Bates, Patrick O’Donnell & Stephen Kelly (photos by Al Craig)
L: Patrick O’Donnell, Simon Toal, & Ranae Van Meding
R: Clara Purcell (photos by Al Craig)
L: Ranae Von Meding & Simon Toal.
R: Michael Bates & Stewart Roche. (photos by Al Craig)
Cast and Creatives
Jeda De Bri
Stewart Roche
Anthony Fox
Michael Bates
Stephen Kelly
Patrick O’ Donnell
Clara Purcell
Stewart Roche
Simon Toal
Ranae Von Meding