A young man struggles to find his way through the hectic maze of young adulthood when a serious accident becomes the catalyst of a turbulent year falling in, and out of, love with The Belly Button Girl.
Along the way we meet ‘Sambuca Lady’, ‘Miguel from Longford’, ‘Cousin Sharon’, ‘Lazy-Eyed Niamh’ and ‘The Massive Lad’. One year on we reflect on whether one can maintain the fulfilment they found in someone else, but do so, by themselves.
“And I wondered what it would be like if we bought a house together? And what it would be like if we had a child together? And what it would be like if she died first?”
Written and Performed…… Tom Moran
Directed….. Romana Testasecca
Producer….. Tamar Keane
Cast and Creatives
Tom Moran
Writer and Performance
Romana Testasecca
Tamar Keane
Robert Downes
Ben Moran