Happy Birthday Jacob is the story of two brothers, Jacob and Lucas, who, after being abandoned at a young age, have been forced to develop a life which consists of secrecy and strict routine. The story exists between the father leaving and the foreboding imminence of his return. That is until Mary, their mother, arrives abruptly, which slowly severs the bond between the two brothers.
Lucas’s fantastical notions of a family reunited directly clashes with Jacob’s embodied reality of rejection and abandonment. Jacob with the help of Terry a neighbouring girl try to keep this constructed family afloat while Lucas drifts towards an idea that he has only been able fantasise. Time is ticking closer to Jacob’s 18th birthday, a day in which everything that has been built must fall.
Director: Laura Bowler
Writer: Michael Marshall
Producer: Ciara Murnane
Cast and Creatives
Laura Bowler
Ciara Murnane
Producer and Set Designer
Michael Marshall
Stephen O'Leary
Cast (Jacob)
Finian Duff Lennon
Cast (Lucas)
Karen Kelly
Cast (Terry)
Michelle Costello
Cast (Mary)
Mary Sheehan
Costume Designer
Bill Woodland
Lighting and Sound Designer