Full schedule of events:
Shoes (1916) Fri 20th 4.30pm
Directed by Lois Weber
52 mins followed by Q & A with Pamela Hutchinson of Silent London
October (1928) Fri 20th 6pm
by Sergei Eisenstein
144 mins followed by Q & A with Pamela Hutchinson of Silent London
On the Art of War (2012) Sat 21st 12pm
Directed by Silvia Luzi & Luca Bellino
85 mins Italian with English Subtitles
Still the Enemy Within Sat 2pm
Directed by Owen Gower
112 mins followed by Q & A with producers
Une Histoire de Femmes Sat 21st 5pm
Directed by Sophie Bissonnette
Blood Fruit (2014) Sat 21st 7pm
Director Sinead O’Brien
80 mins followed by special event with original Dunnes Stores strikers.