Following the great success of Temptress which premiered at The New Theatre, Philip St John’s new play is a darkly funny, atmospheric drama that explores lives lived in the perilous zone between this world and the next.
Hope Whyte is having a diabolical Christmas. In a Dublin office painted with mysterious symbols, she wakes up: has she been restored to life or is her memory of being murdered a nightmare? And what is she to make of her self-declared Mentor, Larry McGrath, and his insistence that she must honour the terms of a supernatural contract?
“a surreal, supernatural black comedy” The Sunday Independent
“the story is intriguing…there is much to enjoy in this supernatural tale” No More Workhorse
Writer: Philip St John
Director: Matthew Ralli
Producer: Melissa Nolan
A co-production by Speckintime, High Seas Productions and The New Theatre.
Photos by Ste Murray
Cast and Creatives
Matthew Ralli
Melissa Nolan
Philip St John
Nick Devlin
Jody O'Neill
Shane O'Regan
Lisa Krugel
Set Design
Carl Kennedy
Sound Design
Paul Doran
Lighting Design
Rowena Cunningham
Costume Design
Shannon Cowan