Written by Charles Dickens in 1866, this classic ghost story tells of a lone Signalman haunted by visions of a terrifying spectre.
Brought to life for a new audience in 1976 when filmed for the BBC as part of their Ghost Stories for Christmas series, this new adaptation by Jane McCarthy expands on the relationship between The Gentleman and The Signalman, exploring the classic tale through a modern lens, focusing on class, paranoia and mental health, while retaining the original’s pervading sense of dread.
Director: Matthew Rall
Produced by WitchWork Theatre Company with support from The New Theatre.
Cast and Creatives
Matthew Ralli
Marcus Lamb
Daniel Reardon
Paul Doran
Lighting Design
Lisa Krugel
Set Design
Carl Kennedy
Sound Design
Barbara McCarthy
Costume Design
Céin Sookram
Stage Management
Shannon Cowan
Stage Management
Booking Info
€17 (€14 conc.)