LOCATION- Yeats memorial Gardens, Stephens Green.
Closest entry through Harcourt Street Corner of Stephens Green. Walk past brick house inside the park and the Yeats memorial garden is the raised area just 100 feet beyond.
Currently The New Theatre accepts online booking only and does not accept cash or cards on site.
Audience members are asked to bring their own cushion, warm layers, umbrella in case of rain.
JACKIE Presented by The New Theatre
Jacqueline and John F Kennedy were, for a brief period during the twentieth century, the ultimate power couple.
An enigma to the outside world, Jackie had long confided in an Irish chaplain, a contemporary and associate of Michael Collins, Lady Lavery and George Bernard Shaw, whom she befriended when visiting Ireland in 1950 and who became her spiritual advisor.
Widely revered as an icon of elegance and grace, Jackie was by JFK’s side on the road to the White House and she herself was a champion of civil rights and the arts.
Jackie was beside JFK on that fateful day when he was struck down by an assassin’s bullet.
Through the lens of an enduring friendship with her Irish chaplain, the mystery, the contradictions and the tragedy of Jackie’s life is revealed.
Cast and Creatives
Gerard Humphreys
Anthony Fox
Jessica Traynor
Áine Moynihan
Script Consultant
Amy O'Dwyer
Michael Judd
Jess Dunne
Costume Design
Robert Ballagh
Set Design
Cathy O'Carroll
Lighting Design
Céin Sookram
Audio Design
Shannon Cowan
Stage Management
Noel O’Grady
Song consultant
Booking Info
LOCATION- Yeats memorial Gardens, Stephens Green.
Closest entry through Harcourt Street Corner of Stephens Green. Walk past brick house inside the park and the Yeats memorial garden is the raised area just 100 feet beyond.
Currently The New Theatre accepts online booking only and does not accept cash or cards on site.
The New Theatre’s production of “Jackie” To be staged at the Yeats Memorial in St Stephen’s Green, SEPTEMBER 29th to OCTOBER 10th at 1PM, Tuesday to Saturday. Additional performances at 3PM on each Friday and Saturday.
A total of 14 performances with a maximum of 15 people in the audience at each performance.
Audience members are asked to bring their own cushion, warm layers, umbrella in case of rain.
Face PPE Masks will be mandatory for audience members.
We will adhere to current social distancing practice and current pandemic regulations:
– Mandatory mask wearing
– There will be a one-way system in place and we will have two stewards manning the entrance and exit, ensuring that audience are seated 2 meters apart at allocated, marked seating.
– Hand sanitizer will be available for all on site and at the perimeter and seating signs will be sanitized after each performance.
– all necessary precautions will be taken by cast and crew to adhere to guidelines and maintain a safe working environment “backstage”
Thank you to the Office of Public Works.